Meeting Date:
13.13 Out of District Placement of Disabled Students 2021-2022 School Year |
District Goals:
File Attachment:
Special Education - GML-104B 1. Out of District Placement of Disabled Children Term: July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Amount:$43,793,279.28 Account #'s: BOCES - 450-5303-100000-2250-B2590-$11,587,909.00 Private - 450-5303-100000-2250-B2560- $19,463,036.00 Public - 450-5303-100000-2250-B2551-$4,542,259.00 State Supported - 490-5160-22F139-2110-B2300 $2,796,033.00 Residential - 450-5303-100000-2250-B2561-$1,700,000.00 BOCES IDT - 450-5270-10000-2251-B2590-$282,585.00 BOCES ESY - 490-5160-22F100-2250-B2590- $432,402.59 Private ESY - 490-5160-22F100-2210-B2560 -$2,873,686.37 Public ESY- 490-5160-22F100-2210-B2552- $115,368.32 Scope: This is a resolution as required by part 200 regulations from the Special Education Department requesting the Board of Trustees' approval of the placement of students with a disability to various schools outside the Yonkers Public School District. BOE Recommendation: Stated Meeting 7/21/21 (This is a renewal for the 2021-2022 school year. The contracts are funded by the Special Education Tuition Account on and Operation Budget.) FOCUS POPULATION: Students with a disability Grades K-12 ASSESSMENT PROCESS: Monitoring individual student's IEP goals and progress. Annual Review CONTRACTOR: See Attached TERM OF CONTRACT: July 1, 2021-June 30,2022 |
ACCOUNT NUMBERS: BOCES - 450-5303-100000-2250-B2590-$11,587,909.00 Private - 450-5303-100000-2250-B2560- $19,463,036.00 Public - 450-5303-100000-2250-B2551-$4,542,259.00 State Supported - 490-5160-22F139-2110-B2300 $2,796,033.00 Residential - 450-5303-100000-2250-B2561-$1,700,000.00 BOCES IDT - 450-5270-10000-2251-B2590-$282,585.00 BOCES ESY - 490-5160-22F100-2250-B2590- $432,402.59 Private ESY - 490-5160-22F100-2210-B2560 -$2,873,686.37 Public ESY- 490-5160-22F100-2210-B2552- $115,368.32 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED:$43,793,279.28 |
WHEREAS the Board of Education is authorized by Section 4402 of Education Law of the State of New York to contract with approved public and private school to provide for an appropriate and reasonable special program of services for disabled children, WHEREAS the Board of Education hereby approves the education needs of the children whose names appear on the annexed schedules and has recommended Out-of District placements for such children, and WHEREAS the Board of Education hereby approves the educational program recommended by the District's Committee on Special Education for 2021-2022 to provide for an appropriate and reasonable special program of services for disabled children, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to enter into the necessary contract for the 2021-2022 school year to provide a special program of services for disabled children at the following Out of District Schools (see attached list) Total Amount Not To Exceed - $43,793,279.28 |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Dr. Luis Rodriguez - Assistant Superintendent |
Signed By: |
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer |
Signed By: |
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director |
Signed By: |
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner |
Signed By: |
John Liszewski - Commissioner |
Signed By: |
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel |
Signed By: |
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Gail Burns Moved, Member Sheila Greenwald seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS the Board of Education is authorized by Section 4402 of Education Law of the State of New York to contract with approved public and private school to provide for an appropriate and reasonable special program of services for disabled children, WHEREAS the Board of Education hereby approves the education needs of the children whose names appear on the annexed schedules and has recommended Out-of District placements for such children, and WHEREAS the Board of Education hereby approves the educational program recommended by the District's Committee on Special Education for 2021-2022 to provide for an appropriate and reasonable special program of services for disabled children, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to enter into the necessary contract for the 2021-2022 school year to provide a special program of services for disabled children at the following Out of District Schools (see attached list) Total Amount Not To Exceed - $43,793,279.28'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 7 - 0 | | | Rev. Steve Lopez | Yes | Andrea Brown | Yes | Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio | Yes | Kevin Cacace | Yes | Dr. John Castanaro | Yes | Gail Burns | Yes | Sheila Greenwald | Yes | |