Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 1/19/2022 - 6:00 PM
Type: Action
District Goals:
File Attachment:
KG&D 0603 CIP STATUS 12-2021.pdf
BOCS KG&D.xlsx
Rationale: This contract will expire in March of 2022. To date $780,955.29 of the $1,000,000 fee limit has been obligated. Much of the work entailed above will continue into 2024 & 2025 and exceed the allotted funds. Attached is a listing of KG&D’s active projects and cost. The completion of some of these projects. The current contract expires on or about March 16, 2022.

Paragraph “SECOND” of the contract includes an option to renew the terms and conditions for an additional 12 months. This is to authorize this renewal for another 12 months and to provide another $1,000,000 in upset funding.

The $1.0 million dollar figure indicated above is an upper limit for expenditure under this agreement and will not be encumbered unless specific tasks are assigned, via Board resolutions.
Resolution: Ladies and Gentlemen:

WHEREAS: the District has a need for on-going professional architectural and engineering services for the maintenance and improvement of its physical plant, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 15.15 dated February 26, 2020 the Board of Trustees authorized the award of contract 2020-‘0630 for on-call Architectural Services to Kaeyer, Garment & Davidson Architects, PC , for an amount not to exceed $1 million and a term of 12 months, and

WHEREAS: additional tasks beyond the current contract amount and term are required, and

WHEREAS: per paragraph SECOND of the contract both parties agree to renew the contract under the same terms and conditions for an additional 12 months, and

WHEREAS: additional funding in the amount for $1,000,000, increasing the contract amount to $2,000,000 is required.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of School be authorized to renew Contract 2020-‘0630 for on-call Architectural Services with Kaeyer, Garment & Davidson Architects, PC for a second 12 month term and to increase the available fee limit to $2,000,000.00
Recommended By:
Signed By:
John Carr - Executive Director
Signed By:
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director
Signed By:
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:
John Liszewski - Commissioner
Signed By:
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Kevin Cacace Moved, Member Gail Burns seconded to approve the Original motion 'Ladies and Gentlemen:

WHEREAS: the District has a need for on-going professional architectural and engineering services for the maintenance and improvement of its physical plant, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 15.15 dated February 26, 2020 the Board of Trustees authorized the award of contract 2020-‘0630 for on-call Architectural Services to Kaeyer, Garment & Davidson Architects, PC , for an amount not to exceed $1 million and a term of 12 months, and

WHEREAS: additional tasks beyond the current contract amount and term are required, and

WHEREAS: per paragraph SECOND of the contract both parties agree to renew the contract under the same terms and conditions for an additional 12 months, and

WHEREAS: additional funding in the amount for $1,000,000, increasing the contract amount to $2,000,000 is required.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of School be authorized to renew Contract 2020-‘0630 for on-call Architectural Services with Kaeyer, Garment & Davidson Architects, PC for a second 12 month term and to increase the available fee limit to $2,000,000.00'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 8 - 0
Rosemarie Linton     Yes
Amjed Kuri     Yes
Sheila Greenwald     Yes
Gail Burns     Yes
Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio     Yes
Kevin Cacace     Yes
Andrea Brown     Yes
Rev. Steve Lopez     Yes