Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/16/2020 - 7:00 PM
Type: Action
Subject: 11.13 Substitute Nurses Rate Increase
District Goals:
File Attachment:
Rationale: Pupil Support Services-GML-104B
1. Substitute Nurses Rate Increase
Term: 2020-2021
Amount: $45.00 per hour for RN's
Scope: The resolution is to increase the hourly pay rate for substitute nurses to cover absences of our regular staff at the various schools. The District's hourly rate per hourly rate for RN's is significantly below market rates.
BOE Recommendation: Stated Meeting 9/16/2020
Funding: Account#-450-5270-100000-2830-B1760
Amount: $45.00 per hour for RN's
Resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the City of Yonkers is required to have nursing throughout District school,

WHEREAS, in the event of absenteeism associated with regularly assigned personal a substitute RN is required,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education hereby authorized the Superintendent of schools to increase the hourly pay rate for substitute nurses to cover absences of our regular staff at the various schools to $45.00 per hour for RN's.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Luis Rodriguez - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:
John Liszewski - Commissioner
Signed By:
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Dr. John Castanaro Moved, Member Lakisha Collins-Bellamy seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the City of Yonkers is required to have nursing throughout District school,

WHEREAS, in the event of absenteeism associated with regularly assigned personal a substitute RN is required,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education hereby authorized the Superintendent of schools to increase the hourly pay rate for substitute nurses to cover absences of our regular staff at the various schools to $45.00 per hour for RN's.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 8 - 0
Judith_Ramos Meier     Yes
Rev. Steve Lopez     Yes
Kevin Cacace     Yes
Andrea Brown     Yes
Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio     Yes
Lakisha Collins-Bellamy     Yes
Abdool H. Jamal     Yes
Dr. John Castanaro     Yes