Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/21/2023 - 5:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: 21.7 Amendment #1 to Resolution 17.5 Dr. Nonie Lesaux (BOE approved 2-15-23, BOCS Approved 3-2-23 Contract #2023-00000696) to increase the price by $3,500 for a total of $28,500 to include August 15th Keynote presentation for Administrators and staff.
District Goals:
Goal 1 Student Achievement
Strengthen academic outcomes and graduation pathways through culturally responsive and sustaining curriculum and instruction.
Enclosure BOCS
Performance Based Questions
Schedule B
File Attachment:
Dr. Nonie Lesaux-Schedule B-Amendment.xlsx
BOCS-Dr. Nonie LesauxAmendment1.xlsx
Dr. Nonie Lesaux-Performance Based Contract Guidelines - 10 Questions - Schedule AAmendmentsigned (2).pdf
Rationale: Dr. Nonie Lesaux
Term: February 2023-August 2023
Original Amount: $25,000
Amendment Amount:$3,500
New Amount: $28,500
Scope: Amendment #1 to resolution 17.5 Dr. Nonie Lesaux (BOE approved 2-15-23, BOCS Approved 3-2-23 Contract #2023-00000696) to increase the price by $3,500 for a total of $28,500 to include August 15th Keynote presentation for Administrators and staff. Dr. Nonie Lesaux will engage Yonkers School
District leaders on the topic of literacy instruction for this new era—designing literacy environments to drive the skills and competencies students need for personal and professional success, and in so doing, meeting today’s education standards. The institute is designed to serve a cadre of Yonkers’ leaders, including the Central team, principals, and schools teams, to accelerate their school improvement work towards even stronger core instruction. As is standard for Lesaux’s teaching to ensure greatest impact, the institute will feature a growth-in-practice leadership development model, anchored in case studies of schools and students, and a set of literacy leadership tools to drive core knowledge, reflection, and action planning.
Funding: Title II
Resolution: WHEREAS the Board of Education wishes to amend the contract with Dr. Nonie Lesaux to purchase consulting services to support a Literacy Leadership Institute for the 2022-2023 school year and to provide Keynote presentation for Administrators and staff.

WHEREAS the district administration has designed in conjunction with Dr. Nonie Lesaux, which meets the objectives set forth by the Board and the New York State Education Department, and,

WHEREAS the Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into an agreement with Dr. Nonie Lesaux to provide these services and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into an agreement with Dr. Nonie Lesaux at a cost not to exceed $28,500.

It is acknowledged and agreed that pursuant to the terms of that certain intermunicipal agreement by and between the City of Yonkers Board of Education (“BOE”) and the City of Yonkers (the “City”) as filed in the Office of the City Clerk on June 16, 2014, the terms of this agreement are subject to review and revision by the Corporation Counsel, as well as approval by the City’s Board of Contract and Supply. Furthermore, this Agreement shall not be enforceable until signed by both parties and approved by the Corporation Counsel’s Office.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Lissette Colon-Collins - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Michelle Yazurlo - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director
Signed By:
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:
John Liszewski - Commissioner
Signed By:
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio Moved, Member Rosemarie Linton seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS the Board of Education wishes to amend the contract with Dr. Nonie Lesaux to purchase consulting services to support a Literacy Leadership Institute for the 2022-2023 school year and to provide Keynote presentation for Administrators and staff.

WHEREAS the district administration has designed in conjunction with Dr. Nonie Lesaux, which meets the objectives set forth by the Board and the New York State Education Department, and,

WHEREAS the Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into an agreement with Dr. Nonie Lesaux to provide these services and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into an agreement with Dr. Nonie Lesaux at a cost not to exceed $28,500.

It is acknowledged and agreed that pursuant to the terms of that certain intermunicipal agreement by and between the City of Yonkers Board of Education (“BOE”) and the City of Yonkers (the “City”) as filed in the Office of the City Clerk on June 16, 2014, the terms of this agreement are subject to review and revision by the Corporation Counsel, as well as approval by the City’s Board of Contract and Supply. Furthermore, this Agreement shall not be enforceable until signed by both parties and approved by the Corporation Counsel’s Office.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 7 - 0
Lawrence Sykes     Yes
Gail Burns     Yes
Rosemarie Linton     Yes
Dr. John Castanaro     Yes
Rev. Steve Lopez     Yes
Kevin Cacace     Yes
Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio     Yes