Meeting Date:
6/14/2022 - 6:00 PM
20.25 Change Order 1 for 10873 Lincoln High School Auditorium Electrical Construction Work to Commerce Electrical for $41,317.08
District Goals:
File Attachment:
This is to authorize Change Order 1 to Capital Contract 2021-0796 for CIP 10873 “Auditorium Upgrades and Exterior Bleacher Replacement” at Lincoln High School to Commerce Electrical Contracting Corp. for $41,317.08 increasing the contract from $615,000.00 to $656,317.08 and extending term for another 180 calendar days for paperwork purposes. This change order is for field conditions and owner directed additional work performed at negotiated lump sum prices. The reconstruction process uncovered issues with marrying the new fire alarm features to the existing system. This required the replacement of the main fire panel for $67,661.82. Upgrades to the stage lighting & sound work was also required at a cost of $3,655.26. The contingency fund was tapped for its $30,000.00 leaving a change order balance of $41,317.08. This increases the contract from $615,000.00 to $686,317.08.
B5751CP110873.B22C02.B2205A1620 $42,000.00 Local Capital Bonded Fund
Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS: via Resolution 17.17 dated May 19, 2021, the Board authorized the award of Contract 2021-0796 for CIP 10873 “Auditorium Upgrades and Exterior Bleacher Replacement” at Lincoln High School to Commerce Electrical Contracting Corp for $615,000.00 and a term of 365 calendar days, and WHEREAS: in the course of construction it was deemed in the best interest of the District to install a new fire alarm panel and upgrade stage lighting and sound at the negotiated lump sum price of $41,317.08 increasing the contract from $615,000.00 to $656,317.08 and extending term for another 180 calendar days for paperwork purposes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to issue Change Order 1 Contract 2021-00000796, CIP 10873 “Auditorium Upgrades and Exterior Bleacher Replacement” at Lincoln High School to Commerce Electrical Contracting Corp., 23-86 BQE West, Astoria, NY 11103 for $41,317.08 increasing the contract from $615,000.00 to $656,317.08 and extending term for another 180 calendar days for paperwork purposes.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
John Carr - Executive Director
Signed By:
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director
Signed By:
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Kevin Cacace Moved, Member Lawrence Sykes seconded to approve the Original motion 'Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS: via Resolution 17.17 dated May 19, 2021, the Board authorized the award of Contract 2021-0796 for CIP 10873 “Auditorium Upgrades and Exterior Bleacher Replacement” at Lincoln High School to Commerce Electrical Contracting Corp for $615,000.00 and a term of 365 calendar days, and WHEREAS: in the course of construction it was deemed in the best interest of the District to install a new fire alarm panel and upgrade stage lighting and sound at the negotiated lump sum price of $41,317.08 increasing the contract from $615,000.00 to $656,317.08 and extending term for another 180 calendar days for paperwork purposes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to issue Change Order 1 Contract 2021-00000796, CIP 10873 “Auditorium Upgrades and Exterior Bleacher Replacement” at Lincoln High School to Commerce Electrical Contracting Corp., 23-86 BQE West, Astoria, NY 11103 for $41,317.08 increasing the contract from $615,000.00 to $656,317.08 and extending term for another 180 calendar days for paperwork purposes.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 8 - 0 | | | Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio | Yes | Rev. Steve Lopez | Yes | Kevin Cacace | Yes | Dr. John Castanaro | Yes | Gail Burns | Yes | Sheila Greenwald | Yes | Lawrence Sykes | Yes | Amjed Kuri | Yes | |