Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/20/2021 - 6:00 PM
Type: Action
District Goals:
File Attachment:
RES 15.8 OCT 16 2019.pdf
RES 16.6 SEPT 19 2017.pdf
RES 16.15 MAY 20 2020.pdf
RES 17.2 OCT 21 2020.pdf
RES 18.2 NOV 20 2018.pdf
RES 16.5 NOV 2020.pdf
Rationale: AMENDMENT 6 TO GENERAL FUND SERVICE CONTRACT 2018-0247 “Maintenance and Repair of HVAC Controls” to Energy Management of Facilities, Inc. to extend the contract term to December 31, 2021 for paperwork purposes. This contract and PO expired on June 30, 2021. The extension is need to permit the payment of work done late in the contract term that was not billed before the contract expiration.
Funding: NONE
Resolution: Ladies and Gentlemen;

WHEREAS: via Resolution Item 16.6 on September 19, 2017 the Board approved the award of the general fund annual service contract “Maintenance and Repair of HVAC Controls”, to Energy Management of Facilities (EMF) in the amount of $539,500.00 for a term of 365 calendar days, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 18.2 on November 20, 2018 the Board approved the first amendment to extend said contract for one year under the same terms and conditions for $539,500.00 and a term for an additional 365 calendar days revising the overall contract amount to $1,079,000.00, and the overall term to 730 calendar days, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 15.8 on October 16, 2019 the Board approved the second amendment to said contract under the same terms and conditions for $539,500.00 and a term for an additional 365 calendar days revising the overall contract amount to $1,618,500.00 and the overall term to 1,095 calendar days, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 16.15 on May 20, 2020 the Board approved the third amendment to said contract under the same terms and conditions for additional work correcting balancing of the Yonkers Middle High School at a cost of $48,285.00 revising the contract amount to $1,666,785, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 17.2 on October 21, 2020 the Board approved the fourth amendment to said contract under the same terms and conditions for additional work correcting COVID related HVAC deficiencies $149,500.00 in capital funds was approved, revising the contract amount to $1,816,285.00 and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 16.5 dated November 18, 2020 the Board approved the fifth amendment to said contract under the same terms and conditions for additional work for in the amount of $539,500.00 for service and repair of HVAC control systems and compressors using General funds, and

WHEREAS; a sixth amendment is required to extend the term of the contract to December 31, 2021 for paperwork and payments. No additional funding is sought.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to issue AMENDMENT 6 TO CONTRACT 2018 -0247 for “Maintenance and Repair of HVAC Controls” to Energy Management of Facilities, Inc. (EMF) 5 Cross Street, Hawthorne, New York 10532 Contract term is changed to expire on December 31, 2021.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
John Carr - Executive Director
Signed By:
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director
Signed By:
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:
John Liszewski - Commissioner
Signed By:
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Kevin Cacace Moved, Member Dr. John Castanaro seconded to approve the Original motion 'Ladies and Gentlemen;

WHEREAS: via Resolution Item 16.6 on September 19, 2017 the Board approved the award of the general fund annual service contract “Maintenance and Repair of HVAC Controls”, to Energy Management of Facilities (EMF) in the amount of $539,500.00 for a term of 365 calendar days, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 18.2 on November 20, 2018 the Board approved the first amendment to extend said contract for one year under the same terms and conditions for $539,500.00 and a term for an additional 365 calendar days revising the overall contract amount to $1,079,000.00, and the overall term to 730 calendar days, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 15.8 on October 16, 2019 the Board approved the second amendment to said contract under the same terms and conditions for $539,500.00 and a term for an additional 365 calendar days revising the overall contract amount to $1,618,500.00 and the overall term to 1,095 calendar days, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 16.15 on May 20, 2020 the Board approved the third amendment to said contract under the same terms and conditions for additional work correcting balancing of the Yonkers Middle High School at a cost of $48,285.00 revising the contract amount to $1,666,785, and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 17.2 on October 21, 2020 the Board approved the fourth amendment to said contract under the same terms and conditions for additional work correcting COVID related HVAC deficiencies $149,500.00 in capital funds was approved, revising the contract amount to $1,816,285.00 and

WHEREAS: via Resolution 16.5 dated November 18, 2020 the Board approved the fifth amendment to said contract under the same terms and conditions for additional work for in the amount of $539,500.00 for service and repair of HVAC control systems and compressors using General funds, and

WHEREAS; a sixth amendment is required to extend the term of the contract to December 31, 2021 for paperwork and payments. No additional funding is sought.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to issue AMENDMENT 6 TO CONTRACT 2018 -0247 for “Maintenance and Repair of HVAC Controls” to Energy Management of Facilities, Inc. (EMF) 5 Cross Street, Hawthorne, New York 10532 Contract term is changed to expire on December 31, 2021.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 8 - 0
Sheila Greenwald     Yes
Amjed Kuri     Yes
Gail Burns     Yes
Dr. John Castanaro     Yes
Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio     Yes
Kevin Cacace     Yes
Rev. Steve Lopez     Yes
Andrea Brown     Yes