Meeting Date:
8/19/2020 - 6:00 PM
17.3 Assignment of Capital Fund Professional Construction Management Services for CIP10891 “Replacement of Ceilings, Lights & Heating Plant Site Piping” at the Roosevelt High School, to Savin Engineers PC under Contract No. 618507 in an amount not to exceed $78,500. Term is for 545 calendar days.
District Goals:
File Attachment:
Via Resolution 17.7 at their stated meeting on March 16, 2016 the Board of Trustees first awarded an umbrella requirements contract to Savin for a not to exceed $1.0 million and subsequently amended it as follows: 1. Resolution 22.31 on June 19, 2018 contract amount was increased by $1.0 million and term extended by 12 months 2. Resolution 18.6 on November 20, 2018 contract amount was increased by $1.0 million and the term extended by 12 months 3. Under separate Resolution at this meeting the contract is being presented for an additional $1.0 million to an upper limit of $4.0 and extension of the term by 12 months. The scope of CIP10891 includes new ceilings and LED lights in the cafeteria as well as the hallways and stairwells on all floors of the cafeteria & library sections of the building. CIP10891 also includes the replacement of deteriorated and problematic heating supply & return piping. This underground piping runs outside the building between the auto-shop boiler room and the library wing section of the building. The original project scope has been expanded to include the ceilings and lights in the library section of the building. The current budget is $1.4 million up from $0.5 million due to the added scope and a revised engineer’s estimate for the pipe replacement work. The base construction bids have been issued and awards are anticipated to be made in September. Exterior work will begin this fall. Interior work will most likely be deferred until next summer.
B5755CP110891.B20C03.B2040A1620, $78,500.00, Local Capital Bonded Fund
Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS: under Resolution 17.7 at the stated meeting on March 16, 2016, the Board of Education authorized the award of a requirements based, professional Construction Management services contract to Savin Engineers in response to District RFQ316 “Construction Management Services for the School Facilities Management Department” for an amount not to exceed $1 million, and WHEREAS: under Resolution 22.31 at their stated meeting on June 19, 2018, Contract 618507 was amended to raise the fee limit by $1,000,000 and extend the term by an addition 12 months, and WHEREAS: under Resolution 18.6 at their stated meeting on November 20, 2018, Contract 618507 was amended to raise the fee limit by $1,000,000 and extend the term by an addition 12 months, and WHEREAS: under separated Resolution at this stated meeting on December 18, 2019, Contract 618507 was presented to raise the fee limit by $1,000,000 and extend the term by an addition 12 months, and WHEREAS: the response by Savin Engineers to request for proposal by the Facilities Department to provide construction management services to the above capital projects was deemed most advantageous to the District at a cost not to exceed $78,500. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to assign Savin Engineers, P.C., 3 Campus Drive, Pleasantville, NY 10570, to the task of providing professional Construction Management services for capital project CIP 10891, “Replacement of Ceilings, Lights & Heating Plant Site Piping” at the Roosevelt High School at a cost not to exceed $78,500 for a term of 545 calendar days.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
John Carr - Executive Director
Signed By:
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director
Signed By:
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:
John Liszewski - Commissioner
Signed By:
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Kevin Cacace Moved, Member Lakisha Collins-Bellamy seconded to approve the Original motion 'Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS: under Resolution 17.7 at the stated meeting on March 16, 2016, the Board of Education authorized the award of a requirements based, professional Construction Management services contract to Savin Engineers in response to District RFQ316 “Construction Management Services for the School Facilities Management Department” for an amount not to exceed $1 million, and WHEREAS: under Resolution 22.31 at their stated meeting on June 19, 2018, Contract 618507 was amended to raise the fee limit by $1,000,000 and extend the term by an addition 12 months, and WHEREAS: under Resolution 18.6 at their stated meeting on November 20, 2018, Contract 618507 was amended to raise the fee limit by $1,000,000 and extend the term by an addition 12 months, and WHEREAS: under separated Resolution at this stated meeting on December 18, 2019, Contract 618507 was presented to raise the fee limit by $1,000,000 and extend the term by an addition 12 months, and WHEREAS: the response by Savin Engineers to request for proposal by the Facilities Department to provide construction management services to the above capital projects was deemed most advantageous to the District at a cost not to exceed $78,500. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to assign Savin Engineers, P.C., 3 Campus Drive, Pleasantville, NY 10570, to the task of providing professional Construction Management services for capital project CIP 10891, “Replacement of Ceilings, Lights & Heating Plant Site Piping” at the Roosevelt High School at a cost not to exceed $78,500 for a term of 545 calendar days.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 7 - 0 | | | Dr. John Castanaro | Yes | Lakisha Collins-Bellamy | Yes | Andrea Brown | Yes | Kevin Cacace | Yes | Abdool H. Jamal | Yes | Judith_Ramos Meier | Yes | Rev. Steve Lopez | Yes | |